Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some updates

So over the last week there wasn't much to really photograph.  They were taping around windows, sanding, etc in preparation for painting.  It seemed like this went on forever.  Yesterday they started with the primer so everything is stark white inside and by the time I get over there it's too dark to take photographs inside.  Hopefully there will be some color soon.  The paint guy told me last week that they'd finish the painting by the end of this week.  I kind of doubt that.  They also installed my sprinklers late last week and my garage doors were installed today.  Also, the drama about the missing bathroom doors turned out OK.  I thought for sure he'd charge me to put them in since we didn't draw them on the plan when we removed the other door, but he didn't.  Whew!  My landlord also sent me an email last week saying I had to tell them if I was going to extend my lease after the end of February.  So we had to have another conversation with the builder about "when is the house going to be done".  He says end of February, but I don't think I want to risk getting to the end of February and finding out he didn't and not have a place to live.  So I had to push my closing date into March and tell the landlord I'd be there another month.  Disappointing but probably the smart thing to do.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Good, the bad and the ugly

Well, the house looks amazing.  The trim carpentry is all done and it looks really good!  Unfortunately, I notice a big problem while I was there on Saturday looking at it.  The shared bath between the two bedrooms originally had a wall bisecting the area where the vanity is located.  There was a door separating the two halves.  Back when we were modifying the plan I took the wall and door out so that that area would be open with a door to the part where the toilet and tub are located.  There were supposed to be doors going from the bath to each bedroom.  We didn't draw them on the plan so the crew didn't put them in.  There is a defiitely lack of privacy between the two bedrooms now.  I sent the builder an email about it and am waiting to see if he will "remember" our conversation about the bathroom and do the right thing or charge me to put them in.  I don't really want to think about how much that will cost.  That's how it goes sometimes.

Here's the desk and cabinet that are supposed to be installed in the kitchen.

Here is one of the doorways to that shared bath... no door.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The inside is really taking shape now!

They installed all the interior doors yesterday and started the finish carpentry.  Today they continued on that and all of the cabinets were installed!  There was small screw up.  I had a kitchen desk added to the breakfast nook area and they installed it in the study.  He said they'd fix that tomorrow.  Today they also graded the lot and brought in some dirt.




Kitchen sink looking toward the breakfast nook.  The bare wall to the right is where the desk is supposed to go.

One of the two vanities in the Jack and Jil bath

Media cabinet in the great room

Master vanity

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deck is finished, interior doors delivered

They finished up the deck yesterday.  The only activity I could see today was that they took all the forms off the driveway and sidewalks and cut joints across the widest part of the driveway.  All the interior doors were delivered but none of them are installed.  Hopefully they will install them tomorrow and get started on the finish carpentry.  I also met with the cabinet guy yesterday and he told me that they would be installing the cabinets this week so hopefully tomorrow or the next day we'll finally get to see it.  I added a desk to the kitchen nook area and he said they would probably have it built and installed by the end of the week as well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Driveway and sidewalks done, deck started

They finished the drywall and texturized it on Friday.  They also did special "venetian plaster" type of texture effect on the dining room wall.  I didn't realize I was getting that but was happy to see it.  I think it is going to look really nice.  They poured the sidewalks and driveway yesterday and that is all finished.  They also started the deck on the back of the house and it's done except  for the railing and the stairs.  I guess we should be seeing some finish work on the inside of the house now.  I need to pin him down the the completion date so I can lock in on a rate before they go any higher.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Last of the drywall sanding is done, driveway and sidewalk started

They spent most of the week doing things that weren't very visible.  The drywall had several layers of mudding and sanding and is now finished.  There was also some more electrical work going on.  They installed a plaque on the outside of the house with the house numbers and started forming up the driveway and sidewalks.  They may pour them tomorrow.