Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some updates

So over the last week there wasn't much to really photograph.  They were taping around windows, sanding, etc in preparation for painting.  It seemed like this went on forever.  Yesterday they started with the primer so everything is stark white inside and by the time I get over there it's too dark to take photographs inside.  Hopefully there will be some color soon.  The paint guy told me last week that they'd finish the painting by the end of this week.  I kind of doubt that.  They also installed my sprinklers late last week and my garage doors were installed today.  Also, the drama about the missing bathroom doors turned out OK.  I thought for sure he'd charge me to put them in since we didn't draw them on the plan when we removed the other door, but he didn't.  Whew!  My landlord also sent me an email last week saying I had to tell them if I was going to extend my lease after the end of February.  So we had to have another conversation with the builder about "when is the house going to be done".  He says end of February, but I don't think I want to risk getting to the end of February and finding out he didn't and not have a place to live.  So I had to push my closing date into March and tell the landlord I'd be there another month.  Disappointing but probably the smart thing to do.

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